
Luis Enrique David Tenorio - Natali Cruz González


The present work is based on the information collected within the framework of the GUESSS
University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students Survey and its main objective is to compare the
factors that influence the entrepreneurial intention of the students of each of the three
faculties of the institution, Economic Sciences and Administration, Education and Sport
Sciences and Health
The present investigation was developed with an exploratory and descriptive quantitative
study, the survey designed by the GUESSS study was used, which was applied to 240
students of the institution, for the processing of the data the SPSS V.26 package was used,
and a comparison of independent means and Chi-square tests of independence were used.
with a 95% confidence interval, with a univariate and bivariate analysis, with results like the
global GUESSS report.
When starting the research, an empirical hypothesis was proposed, in which it was stated that
the students of the faculty of economic sciences and the administration had more strengths
compared to entrepreneurship, therefore the entrepreneurial intention should be higher in this
faculty, after From a quantitative analysis using the Chi-square test and the difference of
significant means, the hypothesis initially proposed, as true, could be corroborated, for the
above, its university environment influenced the development of entrepreneurial intention

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: university students, university, company

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How to Cite
David Tenorio -, L. E., & Cruz González, N. (2022). LXXXIV. ANALYSIS OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION IN THE STUDENTS OF THE I.U. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF SPORTS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.249
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