
Jorge Alberto Vidal Urrutia


This presentation analyzes the context of violence that has prevailed in Mexico in the last
decade, specifically the state of Puebla, exploring its causes and consequences in the process
of democratic consolidation. The efforts that have been sought to undertake in educational
matters from federal programs to law reform will be analyzed and explained. The object of
this work will deal with the political, educational and institutional variables that seek to
influence the improvement of the conditions for the generation of a framework of social and
democratic coexistence from the educational and institutional policy, emphasizing the
conception of the school environment and community in general, as an example of these
institutional efforts, the reform of the general federal education law and recently that of the
state of Puebla will be analyzed, the methodology of this research is qualitative with an
exploratory-explanatory approach, it is through the analysis of contents of the national
development plan 2019-2024, the state plan for the development of the free and sovereign
state of Puebla 2019-2024 and the hermeneutical analysis of the law reforms in education.
The documentary, content and hermeneutical analysis will allow us to evaluate the
institutional and public policy objectives attached to the law that have an impact on the
strategies and lines of action in the construction of a culture of peace and socio-formative

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violence, institutions, policies, education, laws

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How to Cite
Vidal Urrutia, J. A. (2020). LXXXI. VIOLENCE IN MEXICO, THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INSTITUTIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEMOCRATIC. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.246
Artículos Científico