
Angélica María Moncaleano Rodríguez - Gerardo Pedraza Vega


Currently the education system is subject to higher levels of demand in terms of quality,
relevance, inclusion, enlistment, and response, in this context quality and efficiency in
academic processes are accompanied by good financial and administrative management.
Therefore, Higher Education Institutions must consider processes of continuous
improvement together with a systemic approach that allows them to respond to the needs of
the community, society and in general all their stakeholders. The purpose of this research is
to design management strategies that contribute to the strengthening of the research system
in the Vice-Chancellorship Tolima and Magdalena Medio (VRTMM) of the Minute of God
Corporation. This work was addressed under a descriptive and multivariate analysis by main
components using qualitative and measurement or quantitative techniques. It was carried out
through exercises with schemes such as focus groups and the continuous work of the
academic group (research groups, research seedlings, research projects and other academic
and administrative units of vice-chancellorship Tolima and Magdalena Medio (VRTMM).
The findings found, correspond to the system research of the Vice-Chancellorship must be
formalized as an autonomous system, with a participatory character that allows it to define
its power relations internally and develop its investigative processes, founded under the
framework of institutional educational project, social projection, innovation, and

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education, strategies, management, research, university

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How to Cite
Moncaleano Rodríguez -, A. M., & Pedraza Vega, G. (2020). LXXIV. RESEARCH MANAGEMENT AT VICERRECTORIA TOLIMA AND MAGDALENA MEDIO. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.238
Artículos Científico