
Juan Carlos Muñoz Montaño - Jorge Luis Muñoz Montaño


The work identifies the processes of subjectivation generated in business organizations in the
department of Risaralda from practices used by emotion management programs as regulatory
control systems. The way in which these programs try to transform the subjectivity of
employees is presented, by standardizing their ways of acting in the context of the neoliberal
economy, under the uncritical adaptation of successful techniques that cause modes of
subjectivation in the collaborators.
The research focus is qualitative, its design is naturalistic, emergent, and its purpose is
comprehensive. The logic is inductive, and its scope is interpretive. The analytical method is
the critical ontology.
As a result, three processes of subjectivation in employees are identified that promote
emotion management programs, promoting the idea that personal and work success is
achieved only with the employee's commitment, which is located in an individualistic current
context where It holds you fully responsible for everything that happens to you, thus
disconnecting you from any social, cultural and ethical-political ties, placing you in spaces
of an individualistic hypermodernity where organizations promote the production of related
subjectivities for the market-consumption that lead to acceptance and, in that same
perspective, to domination

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How to Cite
Muñoz Montaño -, J. C., & Muñoz Montaño, J. L. (2020). LXXII. EMOTIONS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND THEIR PRETENSIONS TO TRANSFORM THE SUBJECTIVITY OF EMPLOYEES. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.236
Artículos Científico