
Audrey María Bovea Valle - Mayra Alejandra Molina Silva


This research work aims to understand the teaching-learning process of initial literacy in the
modality of distance accompaniment in first-grade students of the Carrizal District
Educational Institution, because the events related to COVID-19 have restricted access of
children to the classroom, but not the development of their reading and writing skills through
meaningful experience at home. The study methodology is qualitative with a case study
design. The population was made up of 35 students who are in the first grade in Primary
Basic Education, from which a sample of 15 students was chosen, giving priority to children
who demonstrate greater difficulty in the initial literacy process during the academic year.
The data was collected through a questionnaire to first grade parents through the Google form
and the observation of videos of the students doing academic activities. With the analysis of
the data obtained, it is evident that the first-grade students during the time they have worked
at home have reached the syllabic level of literacy, where they recognize the relationship
between graphemes and phonemes, some of them have difficulties in the formation of words,
in the organization of words to form sentences and in alphabetical knowledge.

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initial literacy, distance support, readiness phonological awareness

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How to Cite
Bovea Valle -, A. M., & Molina Silva, M. A. (2020). LIX. INITIAL LITERACY IN DISTANCE ACCOMPANIMENT MODALITY: A CASE STUDY WITH FIRST-GRADE STUDENTS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.223
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