
Larry Peñaranda Gómez - Manuel Alejandro Salazar - Gustavo Adolfo González - Julián David Salcedo Mosquera - Natalia Toro Calle


This research is mixed, its methodological design is action research, and the scope is
transformative. For the selection of the sample, the students who study the degrees in Social
Sciences, in Foreign Languages with Emphasis in English and in Physical education,
recreation, and sport are referenced. However, those students who took the SABER 11 and
SABER PRO Tests are considered.
In the first instance (phase 01), the aim is to identify the levels of performance of the generic
competences of the students who enter the Bachelor's degrees in Social Sciences, Languages
and Physical Education, Recreation and Sport, to propose a pedagogical proposal for
improvement that Engage teachers and students in reflecting on and analyzing these
processes. Once the 5 phases that make up this project have been completed, a virtual course
will be implemented that allows the effective training of students in the SABER PRO tests.
It is hoped that the results of this work will serve to clarify the impact generated by the low
index of generic competences as well as to sensitize teachers in training on the relevance of
the development of competences in their school environments so that it is an input for a future
curriculum creation but thought from all viable perspectives and that lead to the projection
of teachers committed to educational work for individual, collective, and social

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pedagogy, competences, virtual course, SABER PRO

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Peñaranda Gómez -, L., Salazar -, M. A., González -, G. A., Salcedo Mosquera -, J. D., & Toro Calle, N. (2020). XLVIII. PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL (VIRTUAL COURSE OF THE CUVIFE AND SABER PRO FACULTY OF EDUCATION) OF GENERIC COMPETENCES OF THE SABER PRO TEST IN THE PROGRAMS OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION (PHASE 1). Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.222
Artículos Científico