
María Isabel Parra Contreras


The present work characterizes the types of evaluation used during the health emergency
caused by COVID-19 by the teachers at the San Gil University Foundation in Colombia.
Based on a discursive analysis of the texts presented by the teachers within the framework of
the pedagogical strategy: Learning evaluation course developed in May 2020, the research
reported in this paper, performs a characterization of the two types of evaluation recognized
and used by teachers: content evaluation and formative evaluation.
Given the need to continue with remote learning classes and maintain the pedagogical link,
teachers were not only called upon to rethink their teaching methods and couple them to
virtual environments, but it was also necessary to understand the dynamics of virtuality and
use different tools such as forums, forms and video calls to follow up on the evaluation
The main results are the commitment of teachers with their training process on the use of
new tools to support online assessment and the need to involve students more in the
assessment processes. Virtuality asks students to be active in the online assessment processes.
Only the autonomy and self-regulation of the student can validate the quality and
effectiveness of the test results.

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student evaluation, electronic learning, educational evaluation, computer assisted learning, computer assisted teaching, formative assessment.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Parra Contreras, M. I. (2020). LV. TYPES OF EVALUATION USED BY TEACHERS OF UNISANGIL AT ONLINE EDUCATION DURING THE EMERGENCY OF COVID19. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.219
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