
Valentina Canese - Juan Ignacio Mereles - Jessica Amarilla


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have taken measures that
have affected education systems, disrupting face-to-face classes in at least 70% of
institutions, to prevent the spread of the virus (UNESCO 2020). In Paraguay there was an
abrupt and early closure. This study presents an analysis of teachers' and educational
administrators’ institutional perspectives with respect to the challenges presented,
considering the preparation that existed considering factors such as infrastructure and access
to technology, teacher training, student and parent limitations. A mixed quan-qual approach
was followed using closed and open-ended questionnaires. The sample included 1030
teachers and 110 educational administrators from public and private institutions at all levels
throughout the country. The study shows that at the beginning of the measures adopted by
the government, educational institutions had difficulties in the development of distance
learning. The main difficulties were limited access to the Internet, poor training in the use of
and access to educational ICT. Similarly, minimizing student dropout and preserving the
quality of education represent the greatest challenges to the continuity of the educational
process. These aspects demonstrate the need for greater and better access to educational
technologies by the country's main educational actors.

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educational institutions, COVID-19, managers, teachers, challenges

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How to Cite
Canese -, V., Mereles -, J. I., & Amarilla, J. (2020). LIII. TEACHERS’ AND EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATORS’ VIEWS ON THE MEASURES ADOPTED IN PARAGUAY DUE TO COVID-19. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.217
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