
Diego Silva Jiménez - Juan Alexis Valenzuela Mayorga


The objective of this research is to know the existing gender gaps in the relationship between
men and women who carry out academic work in Chilean universities. The methodology of
this research was quantitative, descriptive, based on data provided by the Higher Education
Information Service of the Ministry of Education Chile. The sample consisted of 59
universities that were grouped and analyzed based on public (16) and private (43) universities
and these were subdivided into 2 groups, private with state support (9) and pure private
university (34).
The results show that women represent 42.5% of the workforce in general, but when
expanding the division, we find a greater gap in public universities, 36.8% women and 63.2%
men, than in the 43 private, 45% women and 55% men, when applying the division of private
universities, it appears that private universities with state support have a distribution of 37.2%
women and 62.28% men, leaving private universities in pure with 49.07% women and
50.93% men.
Conclusions, a greater gender gap can be observed in the state and private universities with
the state, which, in the pure private during 2016, not being able to show the same in the age
and hours contracted, being able to suggest that the sector The private sector generates greater
equality of opportunity than the state contraction

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higher education, gender, hegemony, human resources

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How to Cite
Silva Jiménez -, D., & Valenzuela Mayorga, J. A. (2020). XLVI. ACADEMIC GENDER GAPS IN CHILEAN HIGHER EDUCATION: WHICH UNIVERSITIES ARE MORE EQUAL? . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.210
Artículos Científico