
José Ángel Meneses Jiménez - Pedro Julián Ormeño Carmona


Being close to the fulfillment of the bicentennial of the country, it is necessary to reflect on
this phrase: "The education we want for Peru" that subtitles the National Educational Project
to 2021, and that is related to the title of the present investigation (National Council of
Education -Peru (2007).
The objective of the research was to establish the challenges and opportunities that are being
presented during the accreditation process in the state of emergency.
The study methodology is of an action-research type since it included an intervention in
professional practice with the intention of causing an improvement. Sunivel is applicative,
as it focused on finding mechanisms that allow achieving a goal.
The results and conclusions were that the challenges faced by this process revolve around the
process of transition from synchronous face-to-face, to synchronous and asynchronous mixed
The opportunities that this pandemic has brought us are the greatest investment opportunities,
and which were necessary to comply with the accreditation process, which are described in
Dimension 3: Institutional Support; Factor 10: Infrastructure and support, Standard 30
Information, and communication system and standard 31 Information centers.
The conclusion is that the current situation in the academy because of COVID 19, will allow
to implement a reengineering of the teaching-learning process.

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COVID 19, academic quality, accreditation

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How to Cite
Meneses Jiménez -, J. Ángel, & Ormeño Carmona, P. J. (2020). XLV. COVID-19: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE UNIVERSITY ACCREDITATION PROCESS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–30. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.209
Artículos Científico