
Julián Enrique Barrero García - Julián David Conde Medina Yerife Andrea Parra Orozco -


This research work analyzes the needs of current education in times of pandemic; traditional
teaching must be rethought; the full responsibility of the student's learning process no longer
falls on the teacher. Today the use and application of ICT in research must be carried out in
this case as part of the training processes of the Escuela Militar de Suboficiales “Sargento
Inocencio Chincá” (EMSUB), this will allow the development of an investigative spirit in
the student through the digital tools. Therefore, it is required to analyze the use and
application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the investigative
training of the future Subofficer of the Colombian National Army in times of Pandemic. The
type of research that will be applied is mixed research. Recognition of the use and application
that teachers give to ICT in the process of teaching research at the EMSUB, identifying which
applications and digital platforms are the most appropriate for the formation of research,
strengthening the professional profile and digital skills of the future Subofficer of the
National Army. The impact of ICT in Military Education is recognized, the advantages and
difficulties of ICT immersion in the academic training of the future non-commissioned
officer are understood, which allows a constant improvement of these educational processes.

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National Army, military school, education, research, technology.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Barrero García -, J. E., Conde Medina, J. D., & Parra Orozco -, Y. A. (2020). XXXVII. THE APPLICATION OF ICT IN RESEARCH, FROM THE ACADEMIC TRAINING OF THE DEPUTY OFFICER OF THE NATIONAL ARMY OF COLOMBIA IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.201
Artículos Científico