
Julio Fernando Salazar Gómez - Erika Dolores Ruiz


Currently our country (México) faces a confinement with the activation of the national day
of healthy distance due to the infectious disease of the coronavirus (COVID-19) which has
affected the face-to-face classes and in turn the teaching and learning process at all
educational levels, it is for this reason that this application is implemented intended for
mobile phones or tablets with Android operating system , the AppMeactics application was
programmed with the official Environment Android Studio, this application aims to reinforce
the resolution of algorithmic problems in second semester youth of engineering in computer
systems and engineering in Mechatronics of the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus
Tierra Blanca, the research has a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design
(Hernández et al. , 2014) using a Pearson correlation for hypothesis verification, in the
representation of the data was used the statistical software Minitab 16, the results indicate
that there is a considerable positive correlation that there is a considerable positive correlation
that during the social isolation derived from the suspension of classes the use of the
AppMeactics application improved the resolution of algorithmic problems compared to the
traditional form. The findings allow for future lines of action to contribute to the development
of new teaching strategies that improve the processes of teaching and learning flowcharts
with the use of information and communication technologies.

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Teaching program, computer programming, algorithm, teaching.

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How to Cite
Salazar Gómez -, J. F., & Ruiz, E. D. (2020). XXXV. USE OF APPMEACTICS AS A STRENGTHENING OF TEACHING – LEARNING ALGORITHMIC PROBLEMS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC CHAPTER TITLE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.199
Artículos Científico