
Ana Alonso Pobes - Rosa María Gil Perfecto - Azucena Esteban Alonso


The present work starts from the contributions of knowledge culture for the classroom. The
knowledge culture is understood as the one that empowers the students’ abilities lo learn to
think, to relate, to draw conclusions as well as to explain the knowledge generated. Thanks
to the techniques provided by this approach, teachers can better adapt to the characteristics
of the students.
The methodology used has been based on action-research cycles, with a mixed approach,
with the qualitative prevailing, since this type of more descriptive data provides enriching
information to guarantee the quality of the study. A total of four cycles have been completed,
each of which has provided sufficient information to improve the next cycle.
The use of thinking routines in different classrooms, of different educational levels, has
allowed to corroborate their applicability to all students, whatever their educational needs.
The same routine, with minimal modifications, has been perfectly adaptable to the
characteristics of the subjects.
The positive results of this experience confirm that thinking routines are an effective and
inclusive tool. Therefore, it would be very positive to promote this type of activities among
the teaching community, previously training them in some basic notions about the
Knowledge culture.

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thought routines, inclusive education, diversity, culture of thought

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pobes -, A. A., Gil Perfecto -, R. M., & Esteban Alonso, A. (2020). XXVI. THINKING ROUTINES: AN ACTIVITITY FOR EVERYBODY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.190
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