
Yescenia Salazar Flores - Felipe Rafael Valle Díaz - Isabella Alesandra Ripa Ruíz


The purpose of this research work was to propose an improvement plan based on the
description of the status of the quality of service provided by public transport companies in
rural areas. The elements of the variable are empathy, reliability, and tangibles. The plan to
improve service quality is based on the Kaizen philosophy. The research approach is
quantitative, with a descriptive case study design. The sample is 126 clients of public
transport companies in the rural area of the Andahuaylas province, Apurímac region. The
results: empathy, providing personalized attention according to the client's demand, occurs
infrequently according to 65% of those surveyed. Reliability means fulfilling its promises in
the service offer, it occurs with little to medium frequency according to 70% of the
respondents and the tangible, the operational status of the transport units, occurs with medium
frequency according to 70% of the participants. Conclusion: the client stated that the quality
of service is given very few times, it means that it does not respond to the perception that the
client expected and since they are the only public transport companies in the rural area, it is
imperative to take the service. The plan is based on an improvement of the service provided
with 60% of the existing resources.

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plan, quality of service, public transport, rural area.

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How to Cite
Salazar Flores -, Y., Valle Díaz -, F. R., & Ripa Ruíz, I. A. (2020). XXV. PROPOSAL FOR A SERVICE QUALITY PLAN FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES IN RURAL AREAS, SUBJECT TO THE KAIZEN PHILOSOPHY, ANDAHUAYLAS PROVINCE, PERU. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.189
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