
Leydi Yaritza García Pantoja - Deisy Liliana Luna Vargas - María Belladenis Vargas


This presentation addresses the subject of competencies in the PEI of the La Luisa Sede La
Troja educational institution, located in the rural sector of the municipality of Rovira, as a
dialogue inscribed in a pedagogical reflection, necessary for the understanding of new
contexts. Thinking about competences from rurality implies other challenges and challenges
from education, to enable significant contributions to social transformation (Díaz Villa, 2014,
Díaz Barriga, (2006, Malangón (2019). So, the main objective is directed to the analysis of
the curricular proposal in terms of theoretical approaches and organizational forms of the
curriculum of this Educational Institution Therefore, the methodological design used is based
on documentary research, with techniques such as the review of primary source documents
and the semi-structured interview with actors involved in the context.
From there it was found that the theoretical support of the curriculum of the Educational
Institution La Luisa, comes from a pedagogical, sociological, philosophical foundation,
which is part of the competition, which guides the consolidation of the teaching-learning
processes. Similarly, it was identified that the organizational forms produce an internal
organization, a pedagogical model and an evaluation system that reinforces social and
pedagogical practices. For this reason, it is necessary to direct this analysis to possible
reflections on competencies, outside of reproducible imaginary that conceive the ways of
knowing as mercantile elements

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curriculum, PEI, competences, organizational forms, theoretical approaches.

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How to Cite
García Pantoja -, L. Y., Luna Vargas -, D. L., & Belladenis Vargas, M. (2020). XX. APPROACH TO THE INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: A RURAL VIEW FROM THE COMPETENCES. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.184
Artículos Científico