
Juan Fernando Abarca Reyes


The present wor aims to analyze the relationship that keeps empathy of teachers. With the
school motivation of the students in the classroom. empathy is understood generally as “put
yourself in other people's shoes”, on the other hand, motivation is what drives people to perform some action on specific. But how is teacher empathy related to student motivation?
it is evident that the development of motivation in students it is an aspect important to
influence their learning, and there are certain factors that are found under teacher control,
including their own skills and attitudes, and precisely empathy is considered one of the most
important skills for human coexistence. To achieve establish the relationship between both
phenomena inside the classroom, firstly a documentary investigation was carried out and
very thorough analysis of both phenomena, the above supplemented with some experiences
obtained directly with the students through investigation-action. From where it can be
inferred that the empathic behaviors of teachers help in the incentive of the students for
learning, hence the importance of understanding teacher empathy as an important factor for
to motivate students to achieve the desired learning. 

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teacher empathy, learning environments, school motivation, academic performance, school coexistence.

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How to Cite
Abarca Reyes, J. F. (2020). X. EMPATHY IN TEACHERS, AND ITS EFFECTS ON STUDENTS ’SCHOOL MOTIVATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.174
Artículos Científico