
David Andrés Suárez Suárez Yohanna Milena Rueda Mahecha Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo


This article aims to describe the main musculoskeletal disorders present in the operators of a  foundation in the department of Santander. The methodology used was characterized by a diagnostic impression with the application of specific upper limb musculoskeletal tests (MMSS), which revealed the main current musculoskeletal disorder in the working population; In conclusion, it was possible to show that the evaluated workers who presented some type of musculoskeletal disorder are not affecting the development of their work, but it should be taken into account to make recommendations to the personnel who gave negative answers in order to prevent some type of musculoskeletal alteration. 

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How to Cite
Suárez Suárez, D. A. ., Rueda Mahecha, Y. M. ., & Silva Giraldo, C. A. (2022). III. ANALYSIS OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS RELATED TO REPETITIVE MOVEMENTS IN UPPER MEMBERS IN THE WORKERS OF A FOUNDATION IN SANTANDER. Revista De Investigación En Gestión Industrial, Ambiental, Seguridad Y Salud En El Trabajo - GISST, 5(6), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/gisst.v6i6.99
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