
Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo Juan Sebastián Dugarte Mendoza Yohanna Milena Rueda Mahecha


The objective of this study was to propose a solution from the area of human management to generate a reengineering process that seeks to reduce the biomechanical risks present in the fresh packaging area of a poultry company in the department of Santander. The study is based on the need to reduce the lumbar injuries that have been occurring in this area. Therefore, it begins with a job analysis and with the collection of incapacity antecedents and from this data a measure is proposed to help the workers in this work. And in turn helps the company in terms of production and the reduction of incapacity due to occupational disease.

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Contributor, Performance, Work environment, Human Talent Management, Productivity

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How to Cite
Silva Giraldo, C. A., Dugarte Mendoza, J. S. ., & Rueda Mahecha, Y. M. . (2020). II. PROJECT MANAGEMENT FROM THE AREA OF HUMAN MANAGEMENT FOR THE REDUCTION OF BIOMECHANICAL RISK IN POULTRY COMPANIES IN SANTANDER, COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación En Gestión Industrial, Ambiental, Seguridad Y Salud En El Trabajo - GISST, 1(1), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.34893/gisst.v1i1.11
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