
Luis Guillermo Maldonado María Gloria Paredes


The university's knowledge and technology transfer (TCT) plays a fundamental role in
promoting development and innovation in the context of the knowledge society (SC). The
present study addresses the challenges and problems that the knowledge society presents to
the university, considered the main actor in the generation, transmission and management of
knowledge. Specifically, it focuses on presenting the main knowledge and technology
transfer mechanisms used by the university, to finally propose innovative transfer strategies
and fulfill its mission. The question posed is: What are the main challenges that the university
must face to carry out a TCT that effectively addresses the problems presented by SC? To
respond, it proposes: (1) identify the challenges that SC presents to the University to address
current problems; (2) present the TCT mechanisms, highlighting those related to the role of
the university's link with society; (3) propose innovative strategies in the management of
TCT. Methodologically, the work is based on the collection, analysis and evaluation of
secondary sources. Initially, a literature review was carried out on the challenges and
mechanisms that SC presents to the University to address current problems. Subsequently,
the data collected regarding successful TCT experiences in Universities were systematized
and analyzed to finally propose innovative strategies. It is concluded that Foresight and
Technological Surveillance can contribute to addressing the challenges presented by CS,
considering that they are tools to anticipate future changes, have a long-term vision, address
factors of change and stimulate socioeconomic development. strengthening the links between
the university and its environment.

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Transfer of knowledge and technology, Knowledge Society, University, Foresight, Technological Surveillance.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Maldonado, L. G., & Gloria Paredes, M. (2023). III. LA TRANSFERENCIA DE CONOCIMIENTO Y TECNOLOGIA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD PARA ENFRENTAR LOS DESAFIOS DE LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v12i2.537
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