
Milvia Luceny Pantoja Mena


Computational thinking has entered the educational field as a fundamental component in the
training of citizens capable of facing and solving problems inherent to the fourth industrial
revolution, making decisions, and developing creativity and critical thinking.
The present work initially exposes the general issues arising from the implementation of
computational thinking in education in some educational settings, specifically in the context
of I.E.M Luis Eduardo Mora Osejo, an official institution in the city of Pasto, Colombia, with
an emphasis on technical modalities.
Subsequently, contributions from some representative authors to the concept of
computational thinking are addressed, which are useful for reflection and understanding of
its scope.
Alternatives are proposed to achieve a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to
overcome barriers and contribute to the improvement of teaching and training in a relevant
and effective manner. Hence, the possibility of addressing computational thinking through a
holistic integration, taking into account the technical areas of secondary education: Graphic
Design, Electronics, and Computing. Document review was used as the information
collection technique, and the methodology is based on the qualitative paradigm.
Finally, educational policies and computational thinking initiatives in various countries
around the world are presented to provide an overview of projects and advancements from
different governments and entities.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pantoja Mena, M. L. (2023). II. EL PENSAMIENTO COMPUTACIONAL COMO CATALIZADOR PRAGMÁTICO Y SINÉRGICO DE SABERES. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v12i2.536
Artículos Científicos