
María del Refugio Ramírez Fernández


Violence is a structural problem derived from the capitalist system which is based on
power relations and any manifestation of it is reproduced within educational institutions,
deepening social, economic and cultural inequalities (Galtúng, 1987).
For this, learning communities (CA) are being formed within educational institutions from
the basic level to a higher level. The objective of this presentation is: Analyze the impact that
the (CA) have on the reduction of violence in schools of all educational levels to contribute
to social peace, through the Participatory Action Research methodology, based on dialogue,
under five phases: 1) train and train students of the Educational Innovation degree; 2) These
same make up the CA in the educational institution that is selected; 3) They carry out their
diagnoses collaboratively with the educational community; 4) Design and plan solution
strategies to eradicate violence; 5) The processes are evaluated and started. The theorists
behind the work: Freire, Vygotsky, Ausubel, Galtúng and Berger and Luckman, Montero. So
far, six learning communities have been formed, who self-organize and learn to solve their
various problems collectively.
It is concluded that the AC should be the transversal axis of all curricula to solve the violence
generated within the institutions in a collective way, recovering the social fabric.

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Learning community, dialogue, social peace

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Ramírez Fernández, M. del R. (2023). IV. COMUNIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE Y EL IMPACTO EDUCATIVO EN LAS INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS DESDE NIVEL BÁSICO HASTA NIVEL SUPERIOR PARA COADYUVAR A LA PAZ SOCIAL. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v12i1.530
Artículos Científicos