
Dra. Belinda Domingo Gómez Dra. Miguela Domingo Centeno


The present work is related to sexual education in the period of the
adolescence as a key period in the development of the child, of transition between childhood and
adulthood. It is proposed as an essential purpose to develop an affective-sexual educational program that allows to achieve an improvement in the knowledge of young people and in the
establishment of their personal relationships in adolescents of the second year of ESO. In Spain,
sexually transmitted infections are considered a major health problem
public, either because of its volume or because of its complications and consequences in the case of
not be diagnosed and treated on time. Although we observe in different
statistics that the age groups of 15-19 years is the one with the lowest percentage of
infections, we cannot forget that a good sexual education in the school environment
It can help prevent these and better performance in the future. It presents a
intervention proposal, developed in order to offer tools for the
understanding responsible sexuality, its implications and the context of the information
effective. In the development of the proposal, activities to stimulate the
search for verified data that supports the need for effective information on the part of
of the adolescent In the conclusions, it highlights the interest that this area represents in the
formation of a healthy and sexually responsible youth.

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Adolescents, Healthy sexuality, Intervention program, Health, second year of compulsory secondary education.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Domingo Gómez, D. B., & Domingo Centeno, D. M. (2023). LIII. HEALTHY SEXUALITY: PROGRAM OF EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION IN 2nd ESO ADOLESCENTS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 12. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.479
Artículos Científicos