
Pedro Manuel Cabeza García Ricardo Fernando Cajas Carrión


Throughout the years in Ecuador, Information Systems have been considered
Geográfica (by its acronym in Spanish GIS) as a tool whose most
useful are cadastral cartography and national cartography, very little use has been made of it
in combination with other branches of the social sciences and exact sciences, it is for this reason
is that this paper is the product of research carried out with the purpose of
apply to a Geographic Information System (GIS); specifically ArcGIS Pro
combined with geospatial and organizational analysis, considering as objective
to the geo-characterization of the first hundred PYMES of the Metropolitan District of
Quito and that through the application of spatial information analysis methodologies and
business (provided by the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance of Ecuador;
as well as the use of the business Ranking of Ecuador which generates in an integral way to the
geodatabase and its organizational components represented as variables in it)
and applying the Kernel Density tools, heat maps as well as the analysis
multilevel normally applied for geo-characterization and geostatistics, with a
exploratory and descriptive approach generated results that give way to interpretation
clear and precise information on how companies are operating in their environment from the
context and entities of each organization.

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SMEs, Geo-characterization, Companies, Intelligence, Business.

Environmental Systems Research Institute. (06 de Junio de 2020). Simbología de mapa de
calor. doi:https://pro.arcgis.com/es/pro-app/2.9/help/mapping/layer-properties/heatmap.htm
Hackeloeer, A., Klasing, K., M. Krisp, J., & Meng, L. (10 de Enero de 2014).
Georeferencing: a review of methods and applications.
Ilustre Municipio del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. (30 de Noviembre de 2018). Mapa
predial oficial del D.M.Q.
Olaya, V. (16 de Octubre de 2014). Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos.
Song, W., & Changshan, W. (24 de Febrero de 2021). Taylor & Francis Online.
Superintendencia de Compañías, Valores y Seguros del Ecuador. (30 de Mayo de 2022).
Superintendencia presenta el Ranking Empresarial 2020.
Ulpo, O., Correa, A., & Mosquera, B. (2022). Análisis de los sistemas de georreferenciación
para los emprendimientos. Análisis de los sistemas de georreferenciación para los
emprendimientos, 31.
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How to Cite
Cabeza García, P. M., & Cajas Carrión, R. F. (2023). XXVI. GEO-CHARACTERIZATION OF SMEs IN THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT OF QUITO USING THE SYSTEM ARCGIS GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION PRO AS A TOOL FOR BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 24. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.452
Artículos Científicos