
Omar Joel Benites Díaz


One of the subjects that encourage the Law as sciencie generated by the same
mankind to configure the effects and the limits of each individual inside of a society
according to what we have seen in our condition as students of the José Carlos Mariátegui
University, in the Philosophy, and in this field, the Philosophy of the Law, Perhaps come of
us are attracted more than others a themeso exciting and the same time to necessary in the
developing of the profesión, but after studies Sócrates, Platón, Aristotle, Descartes,
Nietzsche, Locke or Maquiavelo, even thought despised for many, among others, is essential
to come back the origin to understand that the oral judge must bring along with itself
elements of proof supported in the Deep análisis of the "Philosophy of the law" as
fundamental science of the discipline that lets us to develop ourselves proffessionally with a
especific aim: the justice for the person, for the individual and through him to the society.
The "consequences of the lack of deepening of the Philosophy of Law in the
Mariscal Nieto-Moquegua Penal judicial casuistry. Years 2008-2009", is a subject that
worries us and motivates this investigation, since it puts at risk and in many cases violates
the individual freedom.
We see that the figure of preventive detention has displaced the application of the
Philosophy of Law in the respect that the human being deserves from his freedom, this legal
figure has become a repetitive figure, due to the lack of philosophical analysis of the norm.

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Prison, Liberty, Philosophy, Law, Analogy

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Benites Díaz, O. J. (2022). II. CONSEQUENCES OF THE LACK OF DEEPENING OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF LAW IN CRIMINAL JUDICIAL CASUISTRY. MARISCAL NIETO – MOQUEGUA. YEARS 2008 – 2009. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v9i1.412
Artículos Científicos