
Mónica Viviana Vargas Ortegón - Tania Lizveth Orjuela Lara


Objective: Identify barriers to access to health services for users assigned to the Tenjo
Clinic, through the family medicine consultation.
Methodology: A non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive research was
conducted, using a non-probabilistic sampling method, using interviews with patients
assigned to the Service Provider Institution (IPS)-Tenjo Clinic by an insurer, who attended
family medicine consultation, during February 01, 2022 until April 04 of the same year, data
collection technique was survey and the instrument was questionnaire with descriptive
statistics processing.
Results: Sociodemographic description of the population assigned to the IPS,
completion of 56 surveys from Family Medicine, then documented the access barriers
dependent on patients, which do not interfere with access. In those dependent on the Tenjo
Clinic are inadequate transmission of information on the functioning of the IPS to patients.
In dependents to other IPS due to referrals: the main barrier was the delay in assigning
specialized appointments, an average of more than 10 days.
Conclusions: Different barriers to access to the health system that limit early
diagnosis and timely treatment in the rural population of Tenjo Cundinamarca were

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Access barriers, Health systems, Primary health care, Patients, Users

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How to Cite
Vargas Ortegón -, M. V., & Orjuela Lara, T. L. (2022). I. BARRIERS TO ACCESS: LIMITATIONS TO ACCESS THE HEALTH SERVICES OF USERS ASSIGNED TO CLINICA TENJO CUNDINAMARCA/COLOMBIA. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v9i1.411
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