
Paulina Escalante Ramírez - Amira del Carmen Dagnino Olivas


Social Service is a temporary and mandatory activity as indicated in the Manual of
Academic-Administrative Guidelines of the National Technological of Mexico (TECNM,
2015), as well as the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States that contributes to
the integral formation of students of each of the educational programs offered in its 254
campuses throughout the country. Whose purpose is to strengthen integral formation,
developing an awareness of solidarity and commitment to the society to which it belongs,
through the application and development of its professional skills.
This activity was affected in its compliance with the health contingency, declared as
a pandemic (March 11, 2020) due to the disease due to the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19),
by the World Health Organization. Given these scenarios, the "Training Program for Integral
Professional Development" is designed, whose scope applies to the students of VIII Semester
of seven educational programs of the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Los Cabos
(ITES Los Cabos), in order to comply with the realization of their Social Service, promoting
soft skills development and favoring their academic continuity.
Considering the substantive impact of training as a strategy that favors the labor
insertion of students about to graduate, the use of virtual platforms is established as the main
strategy for the development of this project. Defining as main objective: to develop
entrepreneurship, leadership and communication skills that contribute to the improvement of
labor competitiveness, during the COVID-19 Pandemic through the reference framework of
continuing education.
The project is developed through the platforms: MOOCS of TecNM, Capacítate para
el empleo (capacitateparaelempleo.org) and Microsoft Teams. 262 students participated,
divided by careers (educational programs), who were assigned an internal advisor to follow
up on their continuing education activities, dividing them into three school calendar periods (February-June 2021). The results were very favorable, yielding 95% compliance with the
Qualitatively, students refer satisfaction, motivation and accompaniment as
fundamental elements for their development and continuity in the face of the global
contingency that is being lived, promoting the permanence and efficiency of finishing their
professional studies.

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Continuing education, Social service, Comprehensive training, Job placement and managerial skills.

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Isabel. (2014). La formación integral del estudiantado de ingeniería a través de la educación
continua: Comprehensive Training of Engineering Students through Continuing
Education. Revista Electrónica Educare, 18(1), 77-96. Retrieved December 02, 2021, from
42582014000100005&lng=en&tlng=es .
Vargas Cordero, Zoila Rosa (2009). LA INVESTIGACIÓN APLICADA: UNA
Educación, 33 (1),155-165. [fecha de Consulta 8 de diciembre de 2021]. ISSN: 0379-7082.
Disponible en: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=44015082010.
Modelo Educativo para el siglo XXI, Formación y Desarrollo de Competencias
Profesionales (2012). México.
Citation Format
How to Cite
Escalante Ramírez -, P., & Dagnino Olivas, A. del C. (2022). XI. CONTINUING EDUCATION AS AN INTERVENTION STRATEGY IN THE INTEGRAL FORMATION OF STUDENTS OF THE TECNOLÓGICO NACIONAL DE MÉXICO, CAMPUS LOS CABOS, IN HEALTH CONTINGENCY SCENARIOS COVID-19. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.405
Artículos Científicos