
Edgar Martínez-Huamán - Anibal Bellido Miranda - Rosario Villar-Cortez - Cecilia Edith García Rivas Plata - Edwin Félix-Benites


In university education, formative research is used as a transversal strategy that
promotes the development of research capacities in students. The objective of this work was
to identify components associated with formative research and research practices from the
perception of the Intercultural Primary Education student who run General Studies subjects
at a public university. The research was qualitative, through a case study, the semi-structured
interview technique was used. In the results, 20 units of meaning emerged at the first level
were identified; The data reduction allowed us to synthesize three categories: aspects that
condition formative research, aspects that develop formative research, and institutional
aspects associated with formative research; the emerging metacategories in the second level
recorded the conditions and links of the formative research. The qualitative domain allowed
usb to identify the perception of the students in the components associated with the formative
research. The most relevant units of meaning are highlighted: preparation of academic works
and the habit of reading academic texts, and those of less relevance: ethical knowledge and
integration of students into research. The research practices that are developed in formative
research are conditioned by the skills acquired in basic education and by institutional factors
during university education.

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Formative research, Investigative practices, University education, General Studies.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Huamán -, E., Bellido Miranda -, A., Villar-Cortez -, R., García Rivas Plata -, C. E., & Félix-Benites, E. (2022). X. FORMATIVE RESEARCH AND RESEARCH PRACTICES IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION FROM THE STUDENT’S PERCEPTION. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.404
Artículos Científicos