
Christian Camilo Sanabria Velásquez


The present systematization of experiences sought to reconstruct the experience of
the Bachelor of Basic Education with an emphasis on Social Sciences of the Francisco José
de Caldas District University (Bogotá, Colombia) in its pedagogical component between the
years 2002-2014.
This degree implements a curriculum based on interdisciplinarity, assuming an
innovative character both in the proposal itself, as well as in the pedagogical practice and
epistemic discussions, at the national and regional level.
It is in this way that this systematization of experiences sought to recognize in the
voice of the actors who lived the process (teachers), the logics and frameworks created in
practice within the framework of Decree 272 of 1998, which modified the operation of the
degrees and he postulated pedagogy as his founding discipline.
Among the findings are the emergence of multi and multidisciplinary practices in the
analyzed component due to the polysemic nature of pedagogy and the constant reconstruction
to which the teaching and learning processes are subjected and, in them, their ideological,
philosophical, and other variables. conceptual, paradigmatic, etc. In this way, the student is
involved in contemporary debates in the field of education and teaching based on
investigative skills and a strong ethical-political component in his role as a trainer.

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Pedagogy, Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity, Curriculum and systematization of experiences

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Sanabria Velásquez, C. C. (2022). IX. INTERDISCIPLINARIEDAD Y PEDAGOGÍA: EL CASO DE LA LICENCIATURA EN EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA CON ÉNFASIS EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES –U DISTRITAL F.J.C. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1). Retrieved from https://revistaseidec.com/index.php/Rediir/article/view/403
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