
Juan Manuel Castro Mercado


This paper presents some reflections about a fundamental object of the teacher: the
curriculum. Generally, the curriculum is viewed as a guide taken by the educational
community, to establish and guide the human formation of the members of a society. Thus,
in this space two types of reflections are shared. From one angle, it reflects about a structural
proposal for the curriculum, with which to satisfy the need for both a holistic and concrete
human formation. And, on the other, it reflects about a particular content for the holistic field
of human formation: the holistic theoretical foundations of the Cosmological Education
curriculum. These reflections are the result of a systematization of the teaching training
experience, in which a theoretical and documentary experience was recovered, analyzed and
recreated. This experience is registered in a undergraduate thesis to qualify for the Bachelor's
degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Universidad del Valle. Therefore, immersed in
the need to be clear about our object of professional educational guidance, this article
socializes some reflections and guidelines, especially in the field of initial teacher training,
to be aware of holistic and concrete aspects of human formation, likewise, take as a reference,
so that said human formation is in function of consolidating a better relationship with the
entire cosmos that constitutes and surrounds us.

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Curriculum, Cosmological Education, Human formation, Systematization of teacher training experience, Teachers training

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How to Cite
Castro Mercado, J. M. (2022). VI. HOLISTIC THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COSMOLOGICAL EDUCATION: A CURRICULUM PROPOSAL FOR THE INITIAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–30. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.400
Artículos Científicos