
Tania Lizveth Orjuela Lara


The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes health promotion guidelines and
identifies terms that have evolved since the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978, where it speaks
of Health Education, in conjunction with other authors from the disciplinary field of
education and health, inviting to an exchange work.
Justification: To be able to propose strategies, for which it is necessary to understand
the initial differences in terminology, allows to propose possibly more cost-effective tools
that contribute to bring information to patients associated with indications for health and
disease processes.
Objectives: To identify, according to WHO terminology, patient education strategies.
Methodology of the study: Bibliographic review.
Results: It is necessary to recognize the knowledge of individuals and propitiate
participatory spaces to use different strategies that according to the learning objective related
to their health; training, literacy, training, education, individually and collectively will be
carried out.
Conclusions: The way of transmitting information and especially to patients implies
educational actions, every day it is more evident the participation of users in their health
processes, to achieve their understanding and acquire new knowledge, skills and processes
of self-knowledge that help them to make decisions, mediated by areas of education and

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Educational Strategy, Education, Enabling, Literacy, Patients, Health.

Carta de Ottawa para la Promoción de la Salud. (1986). Carta de Ottawa para la
Promoción de la Salud.
Organización Mundia de la salud. (julio de 1994). OMS. Obtenido de
https://www.who.int/es: https://www.who.int/es/about/governance/constitution
World Health Organization. Division of Health Promotion, Education, and
Communication. (1998). https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/67246 . Obtenido de WHO:
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How to Cite
Orjuela Lara, T. L. (2022). V. PATIENT EDUCATION STRATEGIES. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.399
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