After the Mexican Government decreed a voluntary confinement caused by the
pandemic derived from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Mexican Educational System established
the distance education modality during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, which
implied a challenge of adaptation for the students. Therefore, it was appropriate to identify
the determinants of the motivation of elementary school students to perform the learning
activities requested by the teacher during the voluntary confinement.
Using a descriptive, retrospective, non-experimental methodological design and a
quantitative approach, a newly designed Likert-type scale was applied to a sample of 233
students from the rural area of the State of Puebla, Mexico, and subjected to evidence of
validity through reliability analysis according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and
exploratory factor analysis, which resulted in the identification of four motivational
components: personal factors, social factors, informative rewards and control rewards.
Finding that the personal factors of intrinsic motivation was the component with the
greatest impact, it is possible to conclude that a) these factors determined the execution of
academic activities and b) it is pertinent to develop cross-cutting educational strategies
focused on self-esteem, self-concept, and expectation of success to ensure the personal
development of students.
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Motivation, Intrinsic motivation, Extrinsic motivation, Learning, Elementary education student
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