
Estela Guadalupe Pulido Ordaz - Ignacio Moreno Nava - Agustina Ortiz Soriano


Given the lack of digital audiovisual material that would allow an approach and
development of the content established in the school curriculum for the teaching-learning
process, mainly in basic and public education, the concern arises to produce content to
promote a more complete training in the education of boys and girls at the basic level of the
state of Michoacán de Ocampo, specifically for those who inhabit the Ciénega de Chapala
Michoacana region, particularizing and deepening the case of the municipality of Jiquilpan
de Juárez. For this, an analysis of the themes that make up the free textbooks of the subject
"Knowledge of the environment" at the primary level was carried out. The academic body
UC-CA-3 concluded that the topics addressed can be explained from the concept of heritage
with its corresponding variables (cultural, material, intangible, natural) since they allow an
analysis and reflection on the multiple aspects that we find in our environment and our
municipality; from famous people and traditions, to legends and gastronomy. The foregoing
contributes to generating a relevant heritage education strategy at the local level to promote
valuation processes using appropriate discourses and content for the defined public.

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Digital content, Heritage education, Knowledge of the environment, Audiovisual, Cultural heritage.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pulido Ordaz -, E. G., Moreno Nava -, I., & Ortiz Soriano, A. (2022). III. DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL CONTENT FOR THE SUBJECT "KNOWLEDGE OF THE ENVIRONMENT" AT PRIMARY LEVEL, FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF JIQUILPAN, MICHOACÁN. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.397
Artículos Científicos