The intention of this research is to carry out an evaluation and analysis of the
strategies used, in order to identify if the purpose of continuing the secondary prevention of
Diabetes was fulfilled and if the results obtained are positive for the organization as well as
for the target population and benefit users in general, and thus make managerial decisions to
decide whether or not to continue this project. Objective: To determine the cost-effectiveness
of the educational strategies used in order to prevent diabetes complications. Method: A
sample cause and control study of 35 patients is used in the first group with the face-to-face
group educational strategy, based on workshops dictated by multidisciplinary teams and 37
patients in the second group with the individual tele-education strategy carried out between
the months of May 2021 to July 2021 by a professional. Results: It is evidenced that glycemia
and glycated hemoglobin values decreased by 19%, after an individual tele-education
strategy in both sexes, compared to the face-to-face group strategy where they increased by
30 and 37% in women and men respectively. Conclusions: The education strategy based on
the tele-education strategy was more effective than the group workshops strategy in the four
samples taken from the diabetic population.
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