
Eduard Andrés Fierro Velázquez Luisa Fernanda Roa Rodríguez Francisco Alfonso Lanza Rodríguez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0006-9430


At the University of Cundinamarca, information is a very important resource for the management and control of its missionary processes, as is the case of the teaching function in each of its academic programs; For this reason, the university has been in a constant process of systematization and for this it has the Academusoft computer platform, through which the management and administration of several of the academic processes has been achieved. Currently, some processes pertaining to teaching management, at the program level, are not systematized within the institutional platform, for this reason a computer module has been designed, which allows systematizing and managing processes within the programs such as: generation of teaching reports, management of program committee activities, control of student consultancies, generation of reports and history of teaching management, among others, and which manages to be adequately integrated into the University platform. The purpose of this technological proposal is to be a model for the management and control of any academic program, since it systematizes common processes within university institutions. For the design of the computer module, UML model tools were used to specify the different dimensions of the software and the SCRUM agile development methodology to manage the modeling process due to the fact that it works in an environment of variable requirements.  

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Information system, IT module, Software, Project

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How to Cite
Fierro Velázquez, E. A. ., Roa Rodríguez, L. F. ., & Lanza Rodríguez, F. A. . (2022). XXVII. COMPUTER SOLUTION FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF THE TEACHING FUNCTION IN A COLOMBIAN UNIVERSITY . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.94
Artículos Científico