
María Elena Belalcázar Zafra https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9658-5784 Clara Stefany Romero Hurtado https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4199-8730


The challenges facing education in general and veterinary sciences, specifically have driven social and educational transformation, undoubtedly 2020 with the health emergency caused by SARS COV-2 (COVID-19), has accelerated this process that requires deep analysis. Today it is unknown how veterinary and related sciences should respond to the challenges, as the curricula and academic programs were thought under circumstances different from the current ones, which is why it is necessary to identify the challenges and trends of the discipline and if curricula respond to the crisis or not and propose some changes. The veterinary schools are grappling with a wide range of issues to ensure that students can be trained and assessed appropriately, despite the international, national, and local restrictions placed on them. The objective of this work was to make a diagnosis of the academic and social factors that may be contributing or affecting education in Veterinary Medicine and related in pandemic. National and international experiences were reviewed through a systematic search in databases of the related sciences in the study. As a result of the investigation, the recognition and approach to the realities of students, teachers, and administrators in veterinary and related sciences during the pandemic were carried out. This approach to reality will allow us to propose strategies that can be implemented for the education and understanding of the veterinary sciences and their professional practice in the future.

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Veterinary Medicine, Curriculum, COVID-19, Education, SARS- CoV-2

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How to Cite
Belalcázar Zafra, M. E., & Romero Hurtado, C. S. . (2022). XXII. REALITIES AND TRENDS IN NATIONAL AND GLOBAL EDUCATION IN VETERINARY MEDICINE: A VIEW IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.89
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