
Erika Johana López Valiente


The emphasis of this research project is to know the diverse realities of peasant women in their course through the rural school, in order to know from their voice and experience the contributions of a formal education to a context, which with great admiration still maintains its peasant roots. It should be noted that today there is still a homogeneity between rural and urban contexts, where they first deserve a unique knowledge and treatment, in order to meet each of their needs. It is for this reason that this compilation is based on the qualitative paradigm, which allows to compile and present results based on the textual narration of each of its participants, in addition it is framed from the phenomenology where the phenomenon is represented and understood from the point of view of each of the participants, also the instruments that were taken into account are life stories and semistructured interviews. As a result, it is possible to recognize important positions of peasant women, which contribute to the curricular rethinking of the peasant school, among them; prevention of psychoactive substances, prevention of adolescent pregnancy, universities in a rural context. It can be concluded that the rural school presents great opportunities for improvement, in order to continue contributing to a community in various areas such as; the economy, politics, social and culture, among others. 

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Rural school, Rural woman, Phenomenology, Curriculum, Rurality

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How to Cite
López Valiente, E. J. . (2022). XVII. THE RURAL SCHOLL: REALITIES OF RURAL WOMEN . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.84
Artículos Científico