The objective of this article is to identify and analyze the existing education gaps in the reality of Peruvian education. The methodology is quantitative, cross-sectional, the scientific method and statistical analysis SSPS v 25 were used. We worked with a sample of 117 students from the National University of the Altiplano. A personal survey was applied to 13 teachers and 23 parents from the city of Puno. The results indicate that the education provided in the rural area does not have the same study opportunities, most of the teachers surveyed deny that education depends only on parents, inequity, inequality and educational discrimination were evidenced, poor teaching quality , is the pandemic allowed to bring to light: the scarce and bad internet connectivity and the lack of technological equipment, the highest percentage of students only have a basic cell phone, there are abysmal differences in virtual and face-to-face classes, face-to-face education offers an experience in which the presence of the student in the classroom is mandatory and learning is facilitated by a teacher, the participation of parents in education is a fundamental task, therefore it is concluded under the budget for education, inequality In rural areas, access to technology is terrible, therefore as citizens and teachers we must overcome these br you do.
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Gaps, Connectivity, Differences, Rural Education, Teachers
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