
Angela Maricel García Ortega


This research work seeks to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) strategy for the development of numerical literacy in students of basic primary education. To meet this objective a didactic strategy based on PBL is designed and the effectiveness of its implementation is evaluated. The research model is qualitative with the case study method. The phases for the development of the work are the pre-active stage or diagnostic phase, the interactive stage, where the design is carried out and implemented, and the post-active stage or evaluation. The data collection techniques that are implemented are the survey, the interview and the content analysis. The results led to the conclusion that the strategy is relevant in the context to be implemented since it motivates the student towards learning develop autonomy, promotes creativity and facilitates collaborative work. The conclusions that derive from the process lead us to think about the need to restructure mathematics curricula at the basic education level in Colombia and invite educators to recontextualize their practice adjusting it to the new needs of each context, so that they respond to the interests of individuals in training.  

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Problem Based Learning, Numerical Literacy, Didactic Strategy, Education

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How to Cite
García Ortega, A. M. . (2021). I. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NUMERICAL LITERACY OF BASIC EDUCATION STUDENTS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.68
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