
Adolfo Christian Castro Solis


The present work analyzes the legal elements and human rights violations with a
paradigmatic approach that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights considered to issue
the international sentence in the paradigmatic Mexican case Tzompaxtla, Tecpile, who
unanimously accepted the recognition of State responsibility. . In addition to verifying the
legal effects of said ruling in the domestic law of that country. The qualitative method was
used in a descriptive way, whose purpose isto understand the pre and postsentence variants
to involve the students of International Relations of the Rosario Castellanos University in
the study and understanding of international justice.
The issue is fundamental because said sentence permeates the rule of law, due
process, legal security, protecting the victims at all times, in addition to preventing and
guaranteeing the human rights of people. The objectives consist of identifying the structure
and process of justice implemented in the IACHR; understand the reason for the massive
violations in terms of arraigo and the excess of preventive detention, as a general rule in
Mexican legal practice from a perspective of teaching in international ones.
The methodology used in the research was qualitative, non-experimental,
descriptive and analytical to identify the conceptual and pedagogical areas in the teachinglearning process in the legal field to generate critical knowledge from an international
The results obtained were that the students of the International Relations degree in
70/% percent find their legal studies complicated, so making a descriptive process of
the cases of the sentence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights permeates the
interest of non-jurists. In conclusion, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights plays an essential role in
strengthening human rights, being the last ratio for the victims, whose intervention on many
occasions has represented a true process of justice and protection of rights in the Americas
for what this case study strengthens the critical knowledge of non-jurists.

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International Responsibility, International Justice, International Human Rights Law, State violations of rights, teaching-learning, international relations.

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How to Cite
Castro Solis, A. C. (2023). VI. LA CORTE INTERAMERICANA Y EL CASO TZOMPAXTLE TECPILE VS. MÉXICO. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v11i2.558
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