The general objective of this research work is to identify the relationship between
managerial leadership and organizational climate in the return to face-to-face classes in times
of pandemic in the managers of the Educational Institutions of the UGEL Puno 2022, being
a research with a quantitative approach and design. descriptive correlational, which had the
participation of 15 managers as a study sample, who responded to the research instrument
that is the questionnaire and thus managed to obtain the conclusions that were able to identify
the relationship between managerial leadership and organizational climate with a high
positive correlation of 0.86 of hypothesis testing, indicating that leadership is directly related
to the decisions made so that the organizational climate remains in good harmony. In the
specific objectives, it was possible to identify the relationship between transformational
leadership and organizational climate in the return to face-to-face classes in the directors,
with a high positive correlation of 0.90 indicating that in the transformational leadership
carried out by the directors, they selflessly motivate and drive to have a good organizational
climate and continue with the safety protocols in the return to face-to-face classes and it was
possible to identify the relationship between transactional leadership and organizational
climate in the return to face-to-face classes in the directors, with a high positive correlation
of 0.86, indicating that the transactional leadership carried out by the directors provides the
educational community with security measures to avoid possible infections and thus achieve
a good organizational climate.
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