The digital literacy of teachers in public schools varied significantly by region, country,
and educational institution, whether public or private, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, in most educational institutions, teachers' preparation in terms of digital and
technological skills was in different stages of development. In our context, as a
developing country, this was an important area to study, as it was relatively unknown.
This research was conducted using a descriptive and analytical approach to assess the
teachers' level of digital literacy, their perception of digital competence in teaching, the
use of information and communication technologies in their teaching practices, as well as
the obstacles they faced in terms of institutional, professional, and student-related factors
in the teaching process. The target population included teachers from "Adolfo Valarezo"
and "27 de Febrero" high schools, totaling 87 participants. The results showed that 50.6%
of the teachers considered themselves experts and were familiar with email (100%) and
social media (43.7%). One of the institutional difficulties was the limited availability of
equipment and internet access, and from the perspective of teachers, the main professional
and student-related challenge was the lack of effective training. In conclusion, most
teachers had some level of digital literacy before the pandemic, but it was moderately
used for academic purposes.
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