
Vilma Benavides Méndez Gloria Esther Vera de Orozco María Eugenia Herazo Pineda Plinio Gustavo Orozco Vera


In the context of the Observation Teaching Practice, in the Humanities and
Spanish Language program of the Universidad del Atlántico, the curriculum of
Pedagogical Practices has been structured and proposing training devices such as the
Field Diary to achieve the development of practices reflective through metacognitive
writing. This text presents a proposal for Methodological Routes to guide the work of
teachers in training in the school contexts of the District of Barranquilla and the
Department of Atlántico. Continuity and progress are demonstrated in the project of the
university advisors, socialized in the events of the Language Networks. In this sense, the
theories of Schön, Dewey, Porlán, Bandura, Ausubel, Vygotsky, Muñoz and others are
relevant to the study that is oriented from the qualitative-interpretive paradigm of an
ethnographic approach. The information is collected through records in the Field Diaries
of the practitioners who are socialized and analyzed in the university classroom seminar.
At the end, the conclusions of this progress are presented, showing the curricular changes
that are being obtained in the training of future graduates.

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Teaching practice, Observation, reflection, metacognitive writing, methodological routes

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How to Cite
Benavides Méndez, V., Vera de Orozco, G. E., Herazo Pineda, M. E., & Orozco Vera, P. G. (2023). II. EL DIARIO DE CAMPO COMO INSTRUMENTO PARA LA REFLEXIÓN EN LA FORMACIÓN INICIAL DEL DOCENTE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v11i1.544
Artículos Científico