
Julián Enrique Barrero García - Dagoberto Alexis Machado Sánchez


The purpose of this research article is to analyze the role that the Artillery of the
Colombian National Army has had as an organic weapon from which the defense and
protection of the national territory has been fulfilled, as well as the perspectives and fields of
action that it has from the professional exercise of officers and non-commissioned officers
that are part of it, an introduction is presented as a review to know the origins, principles,
development and foundations of the black badge, as it is also called the Artillery. A
qualitative methodology of an exploratory type is used through the instruments of the
interview and documentary analysis for the collection of information and thus have a
conceptual background of the research topic, these techniques are applied during the semester
A of 2022, in the School of Artillery of the National Army and likewise making use of
databases and educational platforms that are part of this institution from the Education and
Doctrine Command to have communication with officers and non-commissioned officers of
this weapon. Having as results and conclusions a current and pertinent vision of what the
Artillery is, the contribution and contribution it makes, in the same way the constant
development of technological advances that it presents.

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Artillery, National army, Military training, Research

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How to Cite
Barrero García -, J. E., & Machado Sánchez, D. A. (2022). XXVI. THE COLOMBIAN ARTILLERY. ROLES AND PERSPECTIVES FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF OFFICERS AND NCOs OF THE COLOMBIAN NATIONAL ARMY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.381
Artículos Científico