
Myrian Celeste Benítez González


Hybrid education combines face-to-face and virtual education through different
platforms, in such a way as to boost learning. This modality is based on the planning of
different scenarios, between face-to-face and virtual, so that students feel accompanied and
optimize their knowledge and skills, through Information and Communication Technologies
Within the broad educational panorama, the presence of technologies is of special
interest, as a central tool for the advancement of training processes in the hybrid modality, it
is configured as an alternative that affects learning, because it transcends classroom spaces
and It carries over to all spheres of life.
As a general objective, the incidence of the hybrid modality in learning is analyzed.
To respond to it, the following specific objectives are presented: describe the pedagogical
practices used by teachers within the hybrid modality; identify the impact on learning
(perception of the actors involved), and establish the challenges that the hybrid modality
presents to teachers.
The research design has been non-experimental, with an explanatory-correlational
scope, with a mixed approach. To collect the data, structured interviews were conducted with
university teachers and students; These inputs were analyzed according to the methods of
descriptive and inferential statistics. Three Faculties of the National University of Asunción
(Polytechnic Faculty-FPUNA; Faculty of Chemical Sciences-FCQ; and, Faculty of Exact
Sciences-FACEN) were taken as a case study.
The results indicate that education within the hybrid modality requires new paradigms
for reflection, updating and improvement of educational structures. What is relevant within
these educational processes is accessibility, for all actors, and, it being established that virtual
tools help to recreate and innovate pedagogical practices based on reflection.
It is concluded that, in general, education is a relevant factor for the development of
society, and that within it the teacher plays a preponderant role in his capacity as guide and
facilitator of the learning process; therefore, you need to have attitudes, knowledge and skills
that allow you to guide the knowledge of students

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Hybrid modality, ICT, Learning, Universities, Reflective education.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Benítez González, M. C. (2022). XXV. INCIDENCE OF THE HYBRID MODALITY IN LEARNING. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.380
Artículos Científico