
Manuel Fernando González Cuevas


Research training is a pillar from which the development of professional skills is
articulated for students in the various undergraduate programs, its vitality lies in the fact that
these competencies articulate a reflective and proactive exercise of their professions, even its
significance is so relevant that research is understood within the factors that frame the high
quality of education in the Colombian context.
Precisely this preponderance of research training wields the challenge of promoting
interdisciplinary competencies that, from different pedagogical alternatives, allow
strengthening the traditional educational process through various educational resources. With
this purpose, a repository of digital tools is built to strengthen the teaching and learning
processes, whose objective is to enhance the meetings from the development of skills in
transversal competencies. In this way, through the sequencing and systematization of the
educational experience, qualitative research is outlined that, starting from a documentary
tracking, articulates the exploration and use of applications that are inserted in the educational
practices associated with the academic spaces of research training.
Consequently, this research bet enunciates a field of inquiry that evidences great
institutional bets to train teachers and students in digital skills and research training
processes, practical development that is reflected in the literature references traced, even in
other languages, which are concatenated with training proposals in other nations, who in the
framework of the promotion of their digital skills promulgate the integration of research

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Educational resources, Research training, Educational applications, Collaborative work, Digital competency

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Citation Format
How to Cite
González Cuevas, M. F. (2022). XXI. STRENGTHENING RESEARCH SKILLS THROUGH INTERACTION WITH A DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.376
Artículos Científico