
Flor Noemi Celi Carrión - Edison Fabian Miranda Raza - Diego Fernando Pineda Arévalo - Carlos Nelson Cobos Suárez


The present research address about the centers of production activities,
considering the value chain and the phenological cycle of the cultivation of corn. Since
the activities that takeplace in the cultivation of the grass are analyzed taking into account
the processes involved in the production phases for agricultural activities, such as:
planting, cultural work and harvest,the stated objective determines the cost - benefit
relationship in the production of corn in three places of the province of Loja to generate
information on the productive processes that the actors carry out and quantify the
determination of the cost for the agricultural activities carried out, considering existing
strengths and opportunities in the research area. Research methods and techniques were
used to establish inclusion criteria, social and economic environment, among others,
information collection instruments were prepared, such as surveys that were applied to
small, medium and large producers through focus group techniques of production and
maize cultivation process and the phenological cycle in its different phases. The main
result of the research was the description and analysis of the activity centers and the
production costs, concluding that the producers of the investigated places comply with
the same activity centers due to the cultivation is carried out once a year in winter
seasonand with traditional methods.

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Activity centers, Value chain, Phenological process, Sustainable development, Agricultural costs

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How to Cite
Celi Carrión -, F. N., Miranda Raza -, E. F., Pineda Arévalo -, D. F., & Cobos Suárez , C. N. (2022). XIV. AGRICULTURAL COSTS AND VALUE CHAIN OFHARD CORN IN THE PROVINCE OF LOJA - ECUADOR. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.369
Artículos Científico