
Juan Manuel Castro Mercado


The fundamental purpose of Cosmological Education is to develop a cosmological
civilizational consciousness in students. This awareness consists of appreciating and
visualizing reality from a holistic and systemic perspective, with which students can benefit,
transform, and preserve everything that fosters their existence in the cosmos. Faced with this
educational purpose, it becomes necessary to establish curricular guidelines that coordinate
this human formation. In this way, the objective of the research is to determine some
categories of curricular guidelines that guide the implementation of Cosmological Education.
In order to fulfill this objective, the research determined some categories and levels of
civilizational development of a cosmological context, with the purpose of establishing the
criteria that make up the different knowledge of the cosmological civilizational
consciousness. And, thus, then transfer these criteria in the categories of curricular guidelines
of Cosmological Education. Therefore, immersed in the need to preserve our present and
future, this paper shares some reflections and guidelines, especially in the field of initial
teacher training, which serve as an incentive, support, criticism, and curricular orientation, in
the consolidation of a civilization that has a better coexistence between all its members and
with the cosmos that constitutes and surrounds us.

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Education, Civilization, Development, Teacher training.

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How to Cite
Castro Mercado, J. M. (2022). XI. CATEGORIES AND LEVELS OF COSMOLOGICAL CIVILIZATION DEVELOPMENT: THE CURRICULAR HORIZON OF COSMOLOGICAL EDUCATION FOR INITIAL TEACHER TRAININ. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–40. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.366
Artículos Científico