
Hellen Daryely Lara Campiño


People with physical disabilities should develop socio-emotional skills that allow them to
have a good quality of life. From a phenomenon as complex as a physical disability, you can
develop an apprenticeship from which people manage to cope with the adversities they
experience. Front of this, the constructs of emotional intelligence (EI) and resilience, promise
to be socio-emotional competences necessary to adapt and achieve welfare. The objective of
this research is to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and resilience in
people with physical disabilities. The methodology used is of a transversal, quantitative and
descriptive type. There will use the Inventory Baron of Emotional Quotient (Bar-On EQ-i),
the Scale of Adults' Resilience (Wagnild and Young, 1987); and a survey sociodemográfica
to characterize the population. Among the results obtained it’s hoped to determine the
relationship between emotional intelligence and resilience in the target population, bearing
in mind the hypothesis that individuals with a high degree of emotional intelligence have
high resilience scores; also, build a theoretical reference for future research with or in relation
to the same object of study. Among the conclusions, it’s necessary to mention that the
bibliographical review shows a high development of the resilience in persons with disability,
few studies exist correlate them between the variables of the investigation and there are few
investigations on emotional intelligence in persons with physical disability.

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Emotional intelligence, resilience, physical disability, quality of life

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Lara Campiño, H. D. (2020). CLIX. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN RELATION TO RESILIENCE IN ADULTS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CARTAGO, VALLE DEL CAUCA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.326
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