
Jaime Adams A.


This proposal is formulated to educate on the humanization of health services regarding the
COVID 19 Contingency, different opinions and theoretical models of authors dedicated to
the subject of the humanization of health services have been considered. The main objective
is to propose strategies that contribute to the development of humanization processes by
integrating new tools that contribute to the provision of a better service based on dignified
treatment, skills such as empathy, assertiveness, and family support, among others. The idea
is to recognize not only the main theoretical positions, but also the contributions from other
disciplines such as psychology and social work to have a complete vision of the problem and
from there to propose the necessary strategies that allow the implementation of humanization
processes. The proposal will be framed by the crisis that is affecting the world, which has
caused emergency services to collapse, generating humanizing protocols trampling on the
rights of patients with stratified treatment or lying data that misinforms the reality of the cases
and their treatment. Problems related to humanization create the need to seek improvement
alternatives, particularly for the health sector. That is why the need arises to identify which
are the theoretical positions regarding humanization and how to articulate them in a proposal
that allows them to be put into practice.

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humanization, COVID 19, health services, training of human talent.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Adams A., J. (2020). CLIV. HUMAN TALENT: SOCIO-TRAINING FOR THE HUMANIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES IN THE CONTINGENCY OF COVID 19. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.321
Artículos Científico