
Yuranis Vargas Atencio - Joel Cuten Barrios - Omar Cifuentes Cifuentes


Intellectual capital is an approach that integrates human capital allusive to the knowledge,
skills and experience of employees, structural capital referred to organizational efficiency
and relational capital oriented to relationships with the environment, adopted by companies
for effective management, then then the entrepreneurs when starting their ventures are the
main responsible for decision-making and implementation of the strategy and a managerial
management that systematizes their processes for their identification, administration,
generation, retention and control, responding to market needs, be sustainable and profitable,
that is why the research objective was to analyze the strategies used by entrepreneurs who
had failures in their management, the type of research was descriptive, cross-sectional, with
a deductive approach, for which primary information sources were used, obtained through a
pre-interview sent to two entrepreneurs from the Emprender Fund who were unsuccessful in
their management and observation in the two companies under study, likewise, secondary
sources through the Bolívar Regional of the National Learning Service, the undertake fund
and the critical analysis of the Literature focused on intellectual capital and entrepreneurship.
The results show the description of the failed ventures, the challenges faced by the
entrepreneurs and the analysis of the operation of the strategy in the ventures.

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intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital, relational capital, entrepreneurship, strategy

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How to Cite
Vargas Atencio -, Y., Cuten Barrios -, J., & Cifuentes Cifuentes, O. (2020). CXXII. WHY DO SOME BUSINESSMEN FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF BOLÍVAR FALL? A LOOK FROM THE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.288
Artículos Científico